*This % may represent an aggregate of THC/CBD, THCa/CBDa, THCb/CBDb within the product. Consumers should review the actual product label for exact % of THC/CBD.
Product descriptions
1000mg of CBG
105mg of THC
4.3mg of CBD
A new strain by a similar name, White CBG is a hybrid flower derived from early growth cannabis instead of CBD’s usual hemp. Grown by Sonoma Hills Farm and originally bred by Oregon CBD, this low THC calming strain is the latest staple in the Millennial Medicine Cabinet. Reported to help with restlessness, mood, focus, pain relief, heavy menstruation, anxiety and better sleep.
>Vibes well with Amen Dunes and a lavender bubble bath
>Available in full-spectrum 25mg RSO tablets + 1G oil syringes